Louise Stewart
My name is Louise and I am the owner and sole practitioner at Sea Salt. I work in collaboration with therapeutic eurythmists, etheric massage practitioners, community health social workers who provide mentoring in applying therapeutic care into everyday life, practical parent educators, art therapists and school teachers.
My work in natural therapies started when I was 21 years old upon receiving a Diploma of Remedial Massage from Nature Care College in Sydney. Over the following 10 years I gained a wealth of massage experience from my own clinic as well as in an osteopathic clinic, aged care facilities and a disability support service where I had a contract to massage staff and clients in a day respite house. In 2004 I took up studies with EduCareDo in the Foundations of Anthroposophy and its therapeutic applications under the guidance of Lisa Romero. My practice extended to include topical medicaments in the form of compresses, footbaths and oils.
My interest in prescribing grew as I came to understand the depth anthroposophy could bring to wholistic healthcare. In 2013 I graduated from Endeavour College of Natural Medicine with an Advanced Diploma in Homeopathy to which I apply the fundamentals of therapy outlined in anthroposophy and prescribe anthroposophic remedies from my private practice.
Most recently I travelled to Germany to train as a Jungebad Oil Dispersion Bath Therapist with The International Association for Anthroposophic Bath Therapies. This therapy is becoming an important area of my clinical work.
As well as my clinical practice, I work alongside teachers and parents in schools, contributing to child studies and parent /teacher education in the areas of child development and home-healthcare, and also makes home visits to work with individual families.
In working for and with others I have spent time as Health Educator for Arthritis and Osteoporosis Northern Territory, in governance and school leadership at Milkwood Steiner School Darwin, and directly supporting and advocating for individuals with special needs. I am currently company secretary for EduCareDo Ltd a not-for-profit organisation delivering distance education in the foundations and various fields of anthroposophy. I also help to administrator programs for Developing the Self Developing the World which funds the Y Project, allowing young people to access support as they enter into adulthood.
Lisa Romero
My colleague Lisa Romero has been and continues to contribute to prescriptions at the request and consent of my clients.
Lisa is no longer seeing clients for homeopathic prescriptions but can contribute to your prescription via consulting with me. Lisa offers Turning Point Meetings – Learn more.
Associated work:
Ad Dip Homeopathy (2013); Dip Remedial Massage (1993); Accredited to provide Oil Dispersion Bath Therapy (2019)
Oil dispersion bath therapy after Dr Werner Junge is not a recognised modality of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society as the course is not offered in Australia. I practice it based on my professional training and membership with the International Association for Bath Therapies based in Germany.

Australian Traditional Medicine Society
Member #11967 (Since 1994)